Sinful Updated! AO3[Ch11] & ASSTR[Ch9]

Just a quick update for those two archives.  They are catching up, aren’t they? ASSTR is beginning the Mia parts while AO3 is getting into the confused Mia adapting to her strange new life…

No new chapter for AFF this week.  I swear, I’m just letting the other two catch up.  Had nothing to do with Stranger Days sucking me back in every time I opened LibreOffice. -whistles innocently-

OK, gotta do something with this.

So I decided to move from Tumblr to here.  There are a few reasons for this that I won’t bore you with, but I’ll sum it up with “I like the features here more.”  Still a little unsure if I need a blog, but since I’ve started posting my current story in more places it makes some sense.  I’d rather not post a bunch of different updates on different platforms myself (I don’t like making ‘a bunch of noise’ as a rule), so I’ll probably just do such things here.

So, what is going on with Sinful?  For my AFF readers, you probably noticed my output fell dramatically.  The cause is a creative block, one that I apologize for. The whole situation has taught me a bit about being sure of being finished before releasing something.  Anyhow, amidst this I started posting to AO3 and Asstr, so now on top of banging my head against the editing wall, I’ve also being banging it against the wall of new platforms.  AO3 isn’t so bad, Asstr … not so much.

So … yeah.  Been playing with how to release on both to catch up with my AFF releases, will probably speed their release time way up once I’m back in the groove of things.

How about this blog instead, eh? Seriously, how about it? Outside of updates, I’m open to suggestions for content.  I do plan on a few article-like posts to hold over folks as I write Part 2, mostly focusing on lore type stuff that might not be immediately apparent from the story.  Other than that, I’m not sure.  Me and blogs haven’t really ever been a thing, you know? Plus, despite getting hits I’m not sure what my readers might have a hankering for.  So, have some ideas?  Feel free to let me know and I’ll definitely consider it.

Well, this has been a whole lot of rambling.  It’s at least what I’m good at.
