Sinful Update: Chapter 22

Who’s ready for the Day of the Court? AFF, Ao3, Asstr

Well, I wrote this one a little differently. It might be a bit hectic, but practically every character so far is inside this one and gets their own turn. Hopefully nobody will be sick of seeing those “~*~” by the end of it. -_-;

I actually really enjoyed writing this, when I first did it. I got to take one day and show a slice of everyone’s life inside of it. Some characters are doing damn well, others … not so much. Some go about their lives largely alone, other’s weave their day together with others. It can read almost as an ordinary day … so long as you don’t look too hard at it.

Course, now that I’m here, there was alot of little rewrites and the like. The Alice part was originally … absurd. Maybe this version is less so. -cross fingers- Aria’s is entirely new, being written just last night. I can’t believe I forgot her somehow. Ron is edited to, cause … it was very meh. I have a ways to go writing for gay characters, it seems.

Anyway, I wonder how many people latch on to the double meaning in the title? hehehe

In other pleasant news, AFF, A03, and this site now have the most updated versions of the story up. Let’s hope I got most of the typos this time. ^_^ Asstr will be a bit still as I’m trying to figure out how I want to do it without spamming their recent additions page.

I’m brainstorming a few things to do on the blog while I write Part 2.  Yes, haven’t started yet since editing is my cross to bear at the moment, but it will happen. I’ve thought of a few audience participation things I might like to try, kind of like you see in manga a lot. So, any interest or do I just break out my “Must Write” hammer to keep myself going?

EDIT: -ahem- the title was supposed to be chapter 22, obviously. Also, links now on the blog’s story page. One of these days, I’ll be able to post a chapter and not forget something. -_-;

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